Dilepix Livestock

▶ [REPLAY] Agtech Startup Showcase

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Aurélien Yol 1 July 2021

Watch our intervention at the Agtech startup showcase organized by The Yield Lab Institute & La Ferme Digitale


On June 23, this webinar presented a showcase of innovative startups and provided American agribusiness players with visibility on emerging trends and innovations in Europe. Viewers were able to discover concrete solutions to implement on their own farms and/or supply chains.


During this webinar Alban Pobla presented the Dilepix solutions for industrial insect farming.


▶️ Watch the replay of our speech 👇


Agritech is booming in Europe and receiving more and more investment. New technologies, seen as a way to improve efficiency, safety and consumer confidence, are invading farms.

France is an important player as farmers are going digital and increasingly using software to monitor, track and better sell their production.


4 startups in the spotlight :




During this webinar, 4 startups had the opportunity to pitch to the American audience:

  • Connecting Food: the blockchain-based food transparency platform
  • My Easy Farm: Precision farming made easier
  • Naïo Technologies: Autonomous weeding and farming robots.
  • Dilepix: Alban Pobla spoke about AI & computer vision applied to the industrial production of insects



Brandon Day from the Yield Lab Institute

Jerome le Roy - President of La Ferme Digitale


About la Ferme Digitale

La Ferme Digitale is an french association that promotes innovation and digital technology for efficient, sustainable and socially responsible agriculture. 

The association brings together the 50 most promising French startups in the field of agritech.


A propos de Yield Lab Institute

The Yield Lab Institute is an american think tank américain which conducts research on agricultural technologies, food and agriculture.

Their mission: to develop and support the Agtech sector globally. The Yield Lab collaborates with players in the Agtech ecosystem and accelerates impactful innovations to market.


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Articles de Aurélien Yol

Co-founder of Dilepix, Aurélien is an R&D engineer expert in computer vision. Before embarking on entrepreneurship, he conducted research on the replacement of GPS on drones by vision as well as on the location of space debris. At the same time, he worked for several years at Inria where he co-developed the technology used today by Dilepix.

En savoir plus

Découvrir les possibilités apportées par l’Intelligence Artificielle & la vision par ordinateur

J'ai un projet

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