Review of what happened in 2021 for Dilepix

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Aurélien Yol 12 January 2022

Dilepix is a young startup just over 3 years old. If we look back, the first two years of creation were spent maturing and launching the project.

In 2019, the seed round allowed us to welcome the first employees and sign the first contracts.One year and 10 employees later, the new team was operational.

But, hemmed in by the 2020 health environment, we had to revise our action plans. We took the opportunity to implement new tools and refine our strategy.2021 marked the relaunch of all our business sectors.

For us, this year will have been marked by operational deployment, the first deliveries of our detection/monitoring software and the beginnings of our expansion.

Do you want to know all about Dilepix? To make the retrospective of our year 2021, we thought that a small synthesis realized in the form of an infographic would be more pleasant. 😉

Let's meet at the end of this article for the continuation 👇

Review of our year in pictures

(Click on the infographic to see it in high definition)




If we had to summarize


Difficult to summarize a year in an infographic 😉 

But if we had to retain 4 key points of this year, they would be:

  1. Significantly increased the performance of our production tools,
  2. Accentuated our environmental commitments,
  3. Developed our attractiveness & notoriety among investors,
  4. Reinforced our expertise in breeding.


#1 Technical improvements


We have professionalized and optimized our production tools:

  • The reinforcement of Gatien and Adrien in the "vision" team combined with the arrival of Mathieu in project management (Mathieu is the interface between the client and production) has greatly improved our processes.
  • The team thus strengthened has allowed us to free up time to complete and reinforce our data analysis tools.
  • Our database, necessary to train the neural networks, has been significantly enriched with new images and videos. The more we submit new images to our neural networks, the more their performance increases.

  • We now have a real "software factory". 


#2 Actions in favor of the environment


  • Concerned about our environmental impact, we have chosen to work with Scaleway, the "eco-friendly" French data center whose servers are installed in France. Scaleway stands out for its innovative management of the cooling of its data centers using recycled water. This approach makes it possible to do without energy-hungry air conditioners that emit greenhouse gases.

  • Another advantage is that Scaleway, subject to the French RGPD, provides a reinforced level of security compared to its competitors.

  • We have communicated extensively this year on our commitment to the production of more environmentally friendly proteins. In our opinion, insect meals represent a real alternative that meets the environmental challenges.



#3 Our Investor Journey


We have participated in many investor events and have had a successful run in the Tech Tour program. This recognition demonstrates the interest of investment funds in our technology.



#4 Strengthening our expertise in animal production


This year, we specifically targeted the livestock market (especially pig, insect and beef) for several reasons:

  • Farms are increasingly equipped with cameras and network coverage has improved significantly in recent years.
  • Our cloud-based image/video analysis platform is particularly well-suited to livestock issues. It has proven its efficiency even in difficult environments (low light, dust...)
  • The data is analyzed in a few seconds and sent to the information system (SCADA) of our customers (pharmaceutical groups, veterinary groups, consulting companies, cooperatives) who then decide on the action to be taken in the field.
  • Breeders and livestock professionals are ready to use this type of technology because they are waiting for ultra-precise monitoring solutions to : 
    • respect animal welfare with non-intrusive tools
    • address the lack of skilled labor on farms
    • reduce the use of synthetic products
    • have the possibility to target the animal and not the batch


Next step


Our teams are well established and accustomed to working together, our tools are efficient and have proven their effectiveness, and the demand and expectations of our customers are high...

All the elements are there for this new year to mark our passage to a new stage: scalability.

2022 will certainly have some surprises in store for us and we will not fail to tell you about them! 😉


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Articles de Aurélien Yol

Co-founder of Dilepix, Aurélien is an R&D engineer expert in computer vision. Before embarking on entrepreneurship, he conducted research on the replacement of GPS on drones by vision as well as on the location of space debris. At the same time, he worked for several years at Inria where he co-developed the technology used today by Dilepix.

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Découvrir les possibilités apportées par l’Intelligence Artificielle & la vision par ordinateur

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