
Smarketing: the art of matching sales and marketing teams

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Aurélien Yol 1 April 2022

What is smarketing?

smarketingIt is an organization that promotes collaboration between the sales and marketing teams with the definition of common objectives.

In some companies, the patterns still work in opposition: Sales teams blame marketing teams for not producing enough qualified leads, while marketing teams blame sales for their lack of communication and rigor in handling the leads generated...

Smarketing is the opposite!

The boundaries between the missions of the sales and marketing teams are porous since the teams work hand in hand from the start of the strategy. From the definition of personas to the conclusion of the sale.


What is needed to introduce a Smarketing approach?


To optimize the chances of success, a certain number of criteria must be respected. First and foremost, employees must want to work together and understand the benefits of the approach (decompartmentalization of teams, better quality leads, better understanding of customer expectations, more expert content, reaching objectives, etc.)


Work ahead

The Smarketing approach should be introduced very early on in the Inbound marketing strategy. The entire customer journey must be thought out and validated by the sales and marketing teams.


Speak the same language

Understanding each other by speaking the same language is an essential element for building an effective and sustainable strategy and creating a real dynamic of cohesion.


Organize regular progress meetings

Market trends, successes and difficulties met must be discussed regularly to refine or rectify the strategy.


Be provided with a CRM with sales and marketing automation tools

The use of a CRM is essential to ensure performance monitoring.  All prospect information must be freely available.


Knowledges sharing

Sales people need to share their customer and market knowledge so that marketing teams can define the right strategy to reach their targets. This knowledge will allow them to produce content adapted to the prospect's needs and help them to mature their thinking.


In pratice... Smarketing at Dilepix


The Smarketing approach was implemented at the same time as the Inbound marketing strategy. Aurélie and Jérémy, who both have field experience and come from the agricultural sector, speak the same language and quickly understand customer expectations.

This organization came together quite naturally.

They work closely together on a daily basis to achieve common goals:

  • Produce content that answers the questions of prospects
  • To build adapted and tailor-made supports
  • Develop and test new strategies
  • Coordinate the follow-up of leads...


aurelie-busnel-jeremy-foisil-dilepixAligning teams is good. Working in a good mood is even better !


"To imagine and produce content for our personas, I rely on Jeremy's agronomic knowledge. As a sales manager, he is in the front line to understand the needs, expectations and obstacles of our prospects.

We have regular meetings (at least once a week) during which I put him through a real "interrogation" (laughs). I always put myself in the shoes of our prospects and ask many questions.

My goal is to make concepts that are sometimes difficult to understand as easy to understand as possible. And in our business, that's essential!"

Aurélie Busnel - Marketing & communication manager


The new issue of TeamViz highlights the complementary skills of Aurélie and Jérémy 👇👇




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Articles de Aurélien Yol

Co-founder of Dilepix, Aurélien is an R&D engineer expert in computer vision. Before embarking on entrepreneurship, he conducted research on the replacement of GPS on drones by vision as well as on the location of space debris. At the same time, he worked for several years at Inria where he co-developed the technology used today by Dilepix.

En savoir plus

Découvrir les possibilités apportées par l’Intelligence Artificielle & la vision par ordinateur

J'ai un projet

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