#1 A high technology, developed in laboratory.


Dilepix is a "spin off" of Inria (National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology) where Aurélien Yol (CTO Dilepix) worked for several years .

The computer vision technology: the ViSP platform (of which we have the exclusive worldwide license in agriculture) has been the object of R&D work for more than 15 years. In constant evolution, thanks to a dedicated team of researchers, its efficiency has been proven and it is now put at the service of the agricultural sector.

logo ViSP

Today, Dilepix combines two expertises:

  • The cutting-edge ViSP technology which combines a unique know-how.
Dedicated to visual servoing and robotic control, it is capable of tracking and locating objects in real time.
  • Artificial intelligence neural networks developed by our teams.
Progressive deployment :
As Dilepix builds its database, more sectors and applications will be developed (e.g.: Cattle production, poultry, crop production, etc.).

#2 Are you Cloud or Embedded?


Depending on your needs and your installations, our software solutions are available in Cloud or embedded versions.

  • CLOUD: A simple installation solution that allows a simple camera to become a smart camera.
  • EMBEDDED: A solution that integrates directly into your machines - robots - production tools for real-time actions.
Cloud Dilepix or IA embedded

#3 Our Cloud Solutions

The image or video analysis software, hosted on the Dilepix Cloud, analyzes in seconds the images captured by a simple camera and delivers the results to a Dilepix interface or to your own interface.


Scenario 1 - Solution from the Client Platform

As an "ingredient brand", we are a component of a more global analysis tool. We feed your tool with our image analysis results.
In this case, you keep the relationship with your customers. Dilepix does not interfere.


Dilepix Cloud scenario 1 customer platform

Scenario 2 - Solution from the Dilepix platform

Contrary to the previous case, in this scenario 2, Dilepix brings you its know-how to develop a client interface.


Dilepix Cloud scenario 2 solution from the Dilepix platform


Example of tracking* in crop production    

The images come from a drone flying over the plot (pea fields). Our software automatically detects, counts and recognizes in real time the weeds that will require a targeted treatment.

* images from the CARTAM project

#4 Embedded solution

Intended to carry out robotic actions in real time (guidance of breeding robots - automation of production lines), our software is available in embedded mode to be integrated in your machines, robots or on your production lines.

real time object tracking vision based robot control

Example of tracking in animal production

The activity of the cows is analyzed by a smart camera placed in front of the feed fence.

Data collected by our algorithms allows us to establish trends such as the remaining food available or the ruminating time.


#5 Comparison Cloud vs Embedded

comparison between cloud and embedded
insects pupation identification

#6 Highlights of our technology

  • One of the most advanced computer vision technologies, based on over 15 years of R&D.
  • Computer vision is applicable to many segments of the agricultural and livestock market (pigs, insects, cattle, robotics etc.).
  • Our solution is exclusively software-based. The computing power runs in the Cloud or directly embedded in the machines/engines/robots.
  • Our Cloud platform allows to connect a single camera to several applications.
  • Computer vision is a non-invasive process since the cameras are installed above the animals.
  • Computer vision can be associated with passive IoT (RFID type for animal identification) to individualize the analysis.

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AI & computer vision control

Ready to get ahead of your competitors?

  • Automate your production lines,
  • Automate the monitoring of animals,
  • Increase the action capabilities of your robots,
  • Detect threats or situations of interest,
  • Carry out precision actions...

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Our awards

Winner of the prestigious I-Lab competition in 2018, Dilepix has consistently won high-profile awards proving the value of our solutions. 


More information

Dilepix' blog